Extending server call timeout limit

I’m using business plan and encountered “TimeoutError: Server code took too long”
(on anvil cloud and also on open source anvil-runtime)

Is there any possible way to extend time out period or make it no limitation?

On the open source runtime, see here: Anvil app server - modify 30 second timeout - #7 by jshaffstall

On the cloud, that’d be an Anvil support question.

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Or perhaps a Background Task?


Thank you for your reply, and it works well with anvil app server on my private cloud.
Unless there is another answer for anvil cloud, I would try background task.

Thank you. I will try background task for anvil cloud.

+1 for background tasks, I just started using them after this question was asked:

… and now I think they are the bees knees. :honeybee: :mechanical_leg:

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