Explicitly tag in-documentation code to show where it belongs

This could help beginners and occasional users immensely. In-documentation code could have explicit labels, icons, or checkboxes, showing which environments (Client, Server, Uplink) it is intended for.

Yes, there’s a definite balance between being succinct and being explicit. It’s not always clear where to find that balance, but in this case, explicit may be better.

Hi @p.colbert thanks for the feature request. Our current docs do have some styling to indicate which environments code blocks come from, but this is quite subtle - perhaps too subtle! Code blocks have an orange bar beside if they’re for the Server, and a blue bar if they’re for Client code. Like so:

(screenshot is from our server code docs).

We leave the sidebar grey if the code block could belong in either place.

I’m going to leave this up as a feature request though, to see if we can make the styling clearer/more obvious in future - you’re not the first person to notice this isn’t as helpful as it could be!

There are actually 7 valid combinations, which would be even more subtle to do as colors. But this is explicit:
☐Client :ballot_box_with_check:Server :ballot_box_with_check:Uplink

(I have much clearer spacing in the editor than you can see above.)

This generalizes to situations where the code depends on other electable features – of which there are many: each Service, for example. You’ll quickly run out of colors the old way.

Hm, good thought! We’ll certainly keep it in mind.