Exclude "ID" Column from CSV Data Table Export

def DownloadCSVLoadout():
print("!!! Exporting Loadout CSV")

self.link_1.url = app_tables.loadout.search().to_csv().url

I have a data table that Im building, and I have it exporting to a downloadable CSV. Everything is working great, except I dont want to export the default ID column from the database.

Any tips on how I can exclude only that default column when I build the CSV?


Would this be in search() ?

this is the ID column I would like exclude from the CSV export

from io import StringIO
import csv
def table_to_csv(table_name):
  csvfile = StringIO(newline='')
  fieldnames = [ x['name'] for x in getattr(app_tables, table_name).list_columns() ]
  writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
  for row in getattr(app_tables, table_name).search():

  media_obj = anvil.BlobMedia('text/plain', csvfile.read().encode() , name=f"{table_name}.csv" )
  return media_obj

:exclamation: Edit: For security reasons, you should make sure the user should be able to have access to the table_name before you allow just any random user to just dump the entire contents of literally any named data table by changing the string passed to this function.


Put the media object as the url entry for an Anvil Link() component to make a downloadable link.
From the docs:

If a Link’s url property is set to a Media object, it will open or download that media in a new tab.

m = anvil.BlobMedia('text/plain', b'Hello, world!', name='hello.txt')
c = Link(text='Open text document', url=m)
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Since pandas is a common library for dealing with tabular data, I think it’s worth including that as an option:

# Get search iterator as a dataframe    
csv = app_tables.MY_TABLE.search(**search_args).to_csv()
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(csv.get_bytes()), dtype=str)

# you can do any pandas data manipulation here:
df = df[list_of_my_columns]

# dump to a bytes stream
f_buf = io.StringIO()
df.to_csv(f_buf, index=False)
# return to beginning of file stream and dump to an Anvil-friendly bytes stream
b_buf = f_buf.read().encode()
# Package the Bytes object into an Anvil Media object, so we can return to client
csv_file = anvil.BlobMedia('text/plain', b_buf, name=FILE_NAME)
return csv_file
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Also, just for completeness with the original question and @danbolinson’s code, you might do a
df.drop('ID', axis=1) because the op wanted to remove just the ID column from the results of the app_tables.to_csv() method, but dump everything else in the table.


Thanks for the help. Almost got it finished. I was able to generate the new CSV with the code below. However, it looks like it changed the layout of the columns and rearranged them somehow.

def table_to_csv():
table_name = “loadout”
csvfile = StringIO(newline=’’)
fieldnames = [ x[‘name’] for x in getattr(app_tables, table_name).list_columns() ]

writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

for row in getattr(app_tables, table_name).search():


media_obj = anvil.BlobMedia(‘text/plain’, csvfile.read().encode() , name=f"{table_name}.csv" )

return media_obj"""

Client side:

class Generate_Routing(Generate_RoutingTemplate):
def init(self, **properties):
# Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
self.link_2.url = anvil.server.call(‘table_to_csv’)

Generates correctly without the ID column. Just need to rearrange the columns in the order it was before

This is what I have now:

Need columns to be:

[Shippoint], [LOADINGMETHOD], [PO], [CASES], [WEIGHT], [QTY]

You can probably just list the column names in fieldnames to be
fieldnames = ["Column_name1", "Column_name2", "Column_name3", "etc", ]

…and it will probably keep the order you put it in, the same thing with @danbolinson’s code where he wrote list_of_my_columns

nice! Thats exactly what I was about to try.



That worked.

What if I wanted to put this in .xls format before downloading. Would you do that with PANDAS?

Getting closer on converting the csv to excel:

with anvil.media.TempFile(media_obj) as file_name:
with open(file_name, ‘r’) as FILE:
for line in FILE:

I can get the tempfile name of the media object and iterate through it. So should be able to open that directly with xlswriter or pandas and create the excel file I think unless there is a much easier way.

from io import StringIO, BytesIO

import pandas as pd

the end of my code could be changed to:

  df = pd.read_csv(csvfile)
  excel_file = BytesIO(b'')
  df.to_excel(excel_file, index=False)
  media_obj = anvil.BlobMedia('text/plain', excel_file.read() , name=f"{table_name}.xlsx" )

  return media_obj

Seems to work, or follow @danbolinson s code and do it all in pandas with .to_excel()

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