ERROR: Unexpected token A in JSON at position 0

What I’m trying to do:
I keep getting this error whenever I try to merge a branch into master.


Does anyone knows how to solve this?

Hi @vpbarbosa ! Welcome to the Forum!

Let me ask you something, does your branch have any underscores “_” in the name? What is the name of your branches?

This error usually happens when the name of the branch has a character not supported by the anvil IDE.

If this is not the problem, try doing any other edit in one or both the branches and THEN try again the merge.

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was this resolved? I have the same issue going branches are dev and master. I get the same error when I try to merge the two. I followed gabriel’s suggested and made an edit in edit and tried and got the error. so I made an edit in master and it failed.
I have a review with my client tomorrow and I need to send a link prior to the call so they can take a look.

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I have no answer, but I would try to clone to pc, merge and push, and see if it works.
If it doesn’t i would try to create temporary branches in the past commits and merge those, looking for the point in time where it stopped working.


This is probably the best answer if you have urgency to get this fixed.
Maybe the best thing you could do is to create a clone (in anvil) of your app first, then do git clone on your PC to merge and push the changes. The bug is probably only in the IDE for commiting/merging and if you do it manually you won’t have issues (I’m guessing).

Then you can go on with your life AND have a clone with the issue so that the Anvil Staff can take a look into it later.

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Thanks guys that worked. I had to go into the classic editor to get it to work. Thanks again!

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Hi @gabriel.duro.s

Actually none of my branches have underscores in the name, they do, however, have hyphen “-”. My branches are “master” and “Hierarchy-Tree”.

I tried to edit both branches but it didn’t work.