[DONE] An Anvil client-code REPL

The client repl imports the anvil name space.

If you want to access live elements that are on the screen you’ll always have to start from get_open_form() and work your way down the component hierarchy.

New session:
>>> f = get_open_form() # or anvil.get_open_form()
>>> f
<my_project.Form1 object>
>>> b = f.button_1
>>> b
<Button object>
>>> b.text = "foo"
New session:
>>> f = get_open_form() # or anvil.get_open_form()
>>> f.content_panel.get_components()[0] # get the form loaded into the conent_panel
<my_project.Form2 object>
>>> g = _ # last stored repl value
>>> g
<my_project.Form2 object>

If you want to import a module, you can’t do relative imports. Instead you’ll need to do absolute imports.
New session:
>>> import my_project.Module1 as m
>>> m.my_func()
>>> _ # last stored repl value

This means you can access global variables if you’ve put them in a module somewhere.

Autocompletion in the client repl is something we’re working on :wink: .