Do I need to upgrade?

I made a program a year ago, and then stopped using it, and I unsbscribed the paid plan. Now I am on it again. I pay for a personal plan, like I used to. But I get this message a lot, with the same code that used to work:
Server resources not available for ‘python3-full’.
Is the plan policy changed?

Unsure if this will fix the problem, but have you tried switching the app to a different python version, waiting a minute, then switching back?

A vaguely remember a week or so ago someone with a similar problem, after they moved their paid plan one level down.

Thanks for answering!
I tried to switch to Basic Python 3, and found that several modules was missing. When I switched back to Full Python 3, I got the same problem again.

I found the post from a week ago, it wasn’t what I was thinking, the person went from a paid to unpaid, which is the opposite of your issue.

I would send an email to explaining the problem as well, it couldn’t hurt. There might very well be something to do with the plan not automatically turning on the paid plan features like it should when you switched back.

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Thanks. I will do that.

Suddely it worked again. It probably just needed some time after I upgraded.

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