Display and update plot in a loop?


I’m trying to display a time series (via matplotlib) into Anvil. The time series gets appended to with additional samples within a loop. My Anvil app runs OK but the plot(image) isn’t displayed. The Uplink checks out OK and the plot appears Ok within the notebook as it gets updated through the loop.

My code is below:

import anvil.server

import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
import pylab as pl
from IPython import display
from mycbr_py_api import MyCBRRestApi as mycbr
import anvil.media
import anvil.mpl_util

# enable REST API
cbr = mycbr(base_url='http://localhost:8081')

def add_new_attribute( name, value, case=None):
    if case == None:
        case = dict()
    return case

def cbr_retrieval(query_case, global_sim="well_data_sim_float", k=-1):
    url = "http://localhost:8081/concepts/well_data_row/casebases/cb/amalgamationFunctions/"+ global_sim +"/retrievalByMultipleAttributes?k="+(k).__str__() 

    payload = query_case
    response = requests.post( url=url, json=payload)
    result = pd.DataFrame(response.json(), index=[0]).T
    result.columns = ['similarity']
    return result

# plot time series in notebook and also send image to anvil

def plot_time_series():
    plt.xlabel("Depth (ft)")
    plt.ylabel("Pressure (psi)")
    plt.plot(xlist, ylist, marker= 'o', markerfacecolor='blue',markersize=5)
    plt.title('Real Time Pressure Data')
    # plot within notebook
    # send plot to anvil
    return anvil.mpl_util.plot_image() 
# input csv file to be read into mycbr

df_csv = pd.read_csv('new_drill_1.csv')

# mycbr 'attribute list' 

attribute_list = ['depth_100', 'depth_200', 'depth_300', 'depth_400', 'depth_500',
                   'depth_600', 'depth_700', 'depth_800', 'depth_900', 'depth_1000',
                   'depth_1100', 'depth_1200', 'depth_1300', 'depth_1400', 'depth_1500',
                   'depth_1600', 'depth_1700', 'depth_1800', 'depth_1900', 'depth_2000']

def make_plot():
    query_case = {}

    # had to add line below to get this loop to run
    # selects the first casebase ID (cb) in the project
cbr._setCurrentCasebaseID( casebaseID=cbr.getCaseBaseIDs()[0])

result = pd.DataFrame()

# loop to read from case base, perform CBR and plot incoming time series and drilling 'advice' from case base


for i, attribute_name in enumerate(attribute_list):
    # simulate real time data acquistion with delay
    query_case = add_new_attribute( attribute_name, df_csv[attribute_name].tolist()[0], query_case)
    # plot time series in notebook
    # retrieve from casebase
    result = cbr_retrieval( query_case)
        # highest similarity 
    top_caseID = result.index.tolist()[0]
        # set top_case to higher similarity case
    top_case = cbr.getCaseByCaseID( caseID=top_caseID)
        # select drilling advice (decision) from case base
    current_decision = top_case.decision.tolist()[0]   
        #print output and drilling advice
    print("MD Depth : " , (i+1)*100,"ft  ", "Pore Pressure : " , df_csv[attribute_name].tolist(), "psi",  "-----  Current Advice is : ", current_decision, '\n\n')

Here is my Anvil code

from ._anvil_designer import Form1Template
from anvil import *
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import anvil.server
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables

class Form1(Form1Template):

  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
    media_obj = anvil.server.call('make_plot')
    self.image_2.source = media_obj
    self.download_link.url = media_obj

If I include the last line self.download_link.url
I get the follwing error:

AttributeError: ‘Form1’ object has no attribute ‘download_link’
at Form1, line 17

and here’s the plot within my notebook:


The error is saying that you do not have a component named “download_link” on Form1 in Anvil. If you look on the right hand side in the Anvil IDE you can see that you can name the components, and of course when you refer to them in code, you use that name.

Thanks, still no output image in anvil
I’ve also encountered a problem using the command


within the function - it, well, makes the loop wait :grinning:

Please be more specific.

  • Are you getting an error? If so, what is it?

  • Have you checked that Anvil is receiving a media object when the relevant function is called?

  • anvil.server.wait_forever() should be used outside of everything (at the end of the script).

  • You may also try setting up a simpler example (basic short script with fake data, basic app). This will help you get a deeper understanding of the sub problems that need to be solved and help you zero in on where things are going wrong.

Good coaching:

  • No errors reported

  • How can I check Anvil is receiving the media object ?

  • python Anvil.server.wait_forever() now at very end of script

  • I tried the simple example of a sin wave with success

Hi @mikecooper49,

You shouldn’t be having any issues getting data from a locally-running API if you’re accessing it from a local Python script on the same workstation :slight_smile:

You could perform a simple check to make sure you’re receiving the media_obj from the uplink:

# Your code in the Anvil Editor:
media_obj = anvil.server.call('make_plot')
# Check that a media object is being receievd from the uplink

Your Anvil code is calling the ‘make_plot’ function via the uplink, but the ‘make_plot’ function in your Uplink script isn’t returning anything - looks like this could be causing you issues.