Disable server loading spinner

When my app load data from server, there is a loading spinner as per the attached image. How can I disable this feature? Thanks

Or I really need to modify it according to instruction here:

Hello. Please try:



Thanks to your code, I found the document and changed the code. But unfortunately, the spinner still shows, is it a bug or I did something wrong?

I have to use anvil.server.no_loading_indicator: block:

Hmm, what I shared should work. Unless you share your code I am unable to tell if you did anything incorrectly.

I guess I found that anvil.users.get_user()[‘email’] causes the issue:

self.label_1.text = anvil.server.call_s('testSpinner', anvil.users.get_user()['email'])

Replacing the function with a string, this code just works perfectly fine

self.label_1.text = anvil.server.call_s('testSpinner', 'a@a.com')

If I had to guess it would be because anvil.users.get_user() has to hit the server. For me personally, especially for security’s sake, I check current user details on the server since the server already knows about such things.

anvil.server.call_s does disable the spinner. You are right, anvil.users.get_user() calls the server and generates the spinner by default.

Thanks so much for your help

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