Dependency Graph in My Apps tab

Continuing the discussion from Community Forum Hosted Apps:

This is a wonderfully helpful idea, so I’ve separated it out into its own Feature Request.

Technically, the dependencies would form a directed graph. In simpler cases, the result might be a tree, several trees (a forest), or a bunch of disconnected subgraphs. (Expect a lot of isolated nodes, too.)

I’m not aware of any other way of getting this information reliably, short of

  1. Backing up (downloading) each app as its own .yaml file
  2. Parsing the files to obtain any inter-app dependencies specified therein.
  3. Consolidating the findings into a single dependency graph.

With file formats subject to change without notice, Step 2 should be considered only semi-reliable.


Lol, did we create the same feature request at the same time? lol

Yes, we did. I just elaborated that the result might be a graph, not necessarily a tree. (And dropped a few implementation hints.)

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