I try to save a new database row in an existing database of an already existing and previously working app called 4_TipCalculator. This saving of data objects leads to following unexpected error message: anvil.tables.QuotaExceededError: Datatable database size limit exceeded.
I tried to manually add new data items into the attached database. The database throws an error: Could not save row: Datatable database size limit exceeded.
My database quotas which I can read from my account stats says:
+147,000 rows remaining / Media object storage: -20 MB remaining.
I did not change anything with my app or the attached database recently, nor did I create a big database at any other app, so I have no clue what could have raised this unexpected error.
My only explanation is: I share my Anvil licence with students of my university classes.
Could it happen that one of my students misused a database in his/her app that yields in an error within my own app?
If so, is there an opportunity to get the name and email address of this person, so I can email her/him?
I don’t know about the account sharing part, but one way account resources are used is by cloning apps, which also duplicates data tables. Make sure you don’t have unused cloned apps.
Hi Stefano,
thank you for your kind help.
I meanwhile resetted clone keys of nearly all my apps, but this didn’t work for me. The respective DBs are still ‘frozen’. I can’t edit these DBs or add new rows to them.
Hi Phil,
thank you for your help.
Your suggestion will for sure help me. But my students will still have problems to use DBs which I used in my lessons under the existing account.
Isn’t there a possibility to search and find those projects under my account that raised the problem? If I knew which projects (apps) were causing the problem, I could manually delete them and reuse my existing account afterwards. That would really solve my problem in a smart way.
Unfortunately, I can’t see all of the (student) projects under my account, only those that students shared with me.
I don’t have a limit in database size because I have a dedicated account, but I had the problem of not being able to see other users unshared apps after they left the company. The solution was to ask the Anvil support to make me the owner of all the other apps in the account.
My problem was that I couldn’t delete some that were shared with me and I couldn’t see the unshared ones. After I became the owner of all the apps, I deleted the junk and kept the good ones.
It sounds like you are in the same situation, but while for me was an housekeeping issue, in your case it’s affecting your resource quota. If this describes your situation, I think your only solution is to contact the support. They can either share all the apps with you (there may be privacy considerations here), or find the ones that are using your resources, so you can contact the owners.
Said that, the fact that your account shows 147,000 rows remaining sounds like a bug to me.
Hi Stefano,
thank you for your help. That really helps me. I guess, I’m stuck in the same problem as you did with your company before. Meanwhile Anvil resetted my quota, so everything works fine with me again. Nevertheless, becoming owner of all apps in my own account should facilitate any error search in the future.
In the future you could clone existing or create new apps yourself, and share them with other users, so you have the control of all the apps. But (I think) you can’t prevent other users that are part of your account from creating new apps or cloning apps without you knowing it.
It would be nice to have a dashboard that gives you the big picture of your account, including apps that you don’t know they exist. Perhaps having a dashboard like the one described in this old FR , but with some additional details for multi-user accounts, would have helped you.