Could we please have a Drop Down property type when creating custom components, so i can restrict their choices.
Also, baked in components have a hover tool tip in the IDE for their properties. That would be very useful for custom components. More so than baked in ones I think as they are not in the Anvil reference guide.
Yes - DropDown property type will come at some point. And try clicking the “>” arrow on the left hand side of the property row when you’re editing it . That UI will be improved before final release.
Clicking that arrow does indeed allow me to enter tool tips, thank you very much. In my defence - tenuous as it is - the docs don’t mention it. That said i should have just clicked it anyway to see what it does. I’m going to click absolutely everything today just to be sure I’m not missing out on something
One thing - what is “allow data binding write back”, and how do i use it?