Countries table and drop-down component


With pycountry available this may not be super relevant… But if you want a table with basic country data (name, region, code, iso-code, and flag), I’ve put it in this app:

The app also contains a country drop-down component tied to the countries table.



I built the table by importing a CSV-file. Should be simple enough, but almost broke my sprit… The import kept stopping at Myanmar… I do not remember the exact details, but after Myanmar comes Namibia… with the country code “NA”…, which (I finally discovered) was interpreted as something down the line of “Not A Number\NAN”. As mentioned, I do not recall the details, and it goes beyond my DB skills to fully grasp what was going on; perhaps some kind of “self-inflicted SQL injection attack”. Anyway, eventually, I took out Namibia from the CSV and entered it manually after the import… Just so that you know that quite a bit of suffering went into this :wink:.