Consistent error in app anvil.server.RuntimeUnavailableError: Internal server error: Server runtime failed to start

I am routinely getting this error in one of my apps. How can I mitigate? Thanks

Are you running any installed packages in the Beta 3.10 python version?
Any of these could be the issue:

  • Downgrading your account or running out of free trial while having an upgraded python environment.

  • Packages not loading correctly or calling resources they don’t have access to.
    (Like wrappers around Linux libraries or something)

  • You could be out of space (but you should have had warnings that your account was running out of space)

  • Anvil servers are down (but they are not afaik, at the time of this writing)

  • Something else I don’t know.

Yes I am. It looks like there is currently a security vulnerability caused by an older version of pillow being installed (dependency for the Anvil Machine Learning base packages). Could that be the cuprite? If so, would manually adding the new version of the package fix this issue?

Does this help: My app is no longer loading :S - #18 by stefano.menci