Combining multiple tables to be shown in a table

hi @federivadeneira and welcome to the forum,

looks good to me.

you may also find this useful.

worth noting the difference between sending a list of table rows (version 3) vs a search iterator (version 2)
when you send the search iterator anvil will cache the first 100 values or so and will make a new server call every 100 iterations. This can be slow if you’re loading things into a repeating panel.

Other musings:
if you have a table row with linked row that is used to populate the datatable, this can be slow because anvil will need to look up the linked row data in the server.

Sometimes sending a list of dicts rather than a list of table rows might be quicker, especially if you have a simple object column. Loading a simple object from a table row on the client creates a server call. Converting a table row to a dict before sending it to the client mitigates this.

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