Column_panel visibility doesn't change

What I’m trying to do:
I’m trying to get the visibility to toggle depending whether there is text in the text_area.
I have tried using a function as well as change.

Even for me this seems it should be trivial, but I can’t get it to work
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:

The visibility of what?

I’m trying to get the visibility of the radio buttons to toggle on and off
I have just noticed that only the first radio button is in the column_panel
Was meant to be all radio buttons and toggle them on or off simultaniously

You can set the visibility of a component by setting its Visible property to True or False, or any truthy or falsy value.

So you can use databinding to bind the Visible property of any component to the text property, like this:

That makes sense of it all

Oh, that’s because only one radio button is inside a column panel.
If you drag the other two radio buttons inside the same column panel, then they will be visible when their container is visible.

You can see what’s inside what by looking at this drop down:


Thanks Stefano
appreciate the help…a lot

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