Clone Magic Concierge help

I’m not the best at swift and have gotten kind of lost. I am looking to use the Clone Magic Concierge for a MVP. I want to attach my number from Twilio. wherein the code would I be able to get this thing up and running. I think it was found in the secret but has been deleted.

Appreciate any help thank you!


Hello and welcome,

I have not worked with that application myself but here are some tips so that others can jump in to help more easily:

  • Please report the error (if there is one)
  • Show what you have tried with code (you can even share a clone link by clicking the :gear: icon and following the instructions)
  • search the forum and documentation for “twillio” , “secrets”, etc…

Here are some general tips for asking questions. Following those guidelines will really help folks focus in on the specific issue.

Good luck and feel free to clarify further when you can share some more specific details.


Ran into this same thing today, For anyone who encounters it in the future, the secret is your secret api key at least for Vonage.