Can't get the button/LED flash to work on the Pico

What I’m trying to do:
Follow the beginners tutorial
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
I build the button, copy the code into main along with
Code Sample:
def button_1_click(self, **event_args):

"""This method is called when the button is clicked"""'pico_fn', 18)

this is a formatted code snippet.

paste your code between ```

When I hit run and click the button, nothing happens. The Pico says its connected.

Having a hard time following the tutorial. I'm not sure I put the button together right.

Did you also hook up the button click events in the designer pane?

I dragged the button over to the template. I had a lot of trouble following how to add the attributes needed to the button, so I may have missed something critical. Can you explain the steps?

Maybe someone can tell me where I am going wrong. I am confused by many things in the Pico tutorial. If I unplug & replug my pico the code runs and the lights start blinking in a repeating code. Clicking run on the template has no seeming effect. The tutorial seems to indicate that if I hit CNL-C I will be able to see something going on, but it never connects. If I halt execution and hit run I get lots of error messages that repeat:
MPY: soft reboot
<CYW43 STA up>
Setting system time…
System time set to 1710364068
<CYW43 STA up>
Connecting to Anvil…
Exception in uplink reconnection loop:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “anvil/”, line 154, in _connect_async
File “anvil/”, line 118, in _connect
Exception: Connection failed: {‘error’: ‘Incorrect uplink key’}
Connecting to Anvil…
Exception in uplink reconnection loop:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “anvil/”, line 154, in _connect_async
File “anvil/”, line 112, in _connect
File “”, line 105, in handshake
File “”, line 99, in send_header
OSError: -28928
Connecting to Anvil…
Exception in uplink reconnection loop:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “anvil/”, line 154, in _connect_async
File “anvil/”, line 118, in _connect
Exception: Connection failed: {‘error’: ‘Incorrect uplink key’}
Connecting to Anvil…

Here is the HTML code:

<link href=",400,500" rel="stylesheet" rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin="anonymous">

<div class="structure">
  <div class="app-bar" anvil-drop-container=".anvil-container" anvil-drop-redirect=".placeholder">
    <a class="sidebar-toggle" anvil-if-slot-empty="top-left-btn" anvil-hide-if-slot-empty="left-nav" anvil-drop-slot="top-left-btn" href="javascript:void(0)"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></a>
    <a class="sidebar-toggle anvil-designer-only" anvil-if-slot-empty="top-left-btn" anvil-if-slot-empty="left-nav" anvil-drop-slot="top-left-btn"><i class="fa fa-blank"></i></a>
    <div class="top-left-btn" anvil-slot="top-left-btn"></div>
    <div class="title" anvil-slot="title">
      <div class="placeholder anvil-designer-only" anvil-if-slot-empty="title" anvil-drop-here>Drop title here</div>
    <div class="app-bar-nav" anvil-slot="nav-right">
      <div class="placeholder anvil-designer-only" anvil-if-slot-empty="nav-right" anvil-drop-here>Drop a FlowPanel here</div>
    <div style="clear:both"></div>

  <div class="nav-holder">
    <div class="left-nav anvil-measure-this" anvil-slot-repeat="left-nav" anvil-drop-container=">.anvil-container">
    <div class="left-nav-placeholder anvil-designer-only" anvil-if-slot-empty="left-nav" anvil-drop-slot="left-nav">
      <div class="prompt">To add a sidebar, drop a ColumnPanel here.</div>

    <div class="content">
      <div anvil-slot-repeat="default" class="anvil-measure-this"></div>
      <div class="placeholder drop-here" anvil-if-slot-empty="default" anvil-drop-slot="default">Drop a ColumnPanel here.</div>
  <div class="nav-shield"></div>
<div anvil-drop-default anvil-drop-redirect=".placeholder" anvil-drop-container=".anvil-container"></div>
  function hideSidebar() {
    var ln = $('.structure > .nav-holder > .left-nav');
    ln.animate({left: -ln.outerWidth()}, function() {
      ln.removeClass("in-transition shown").addClass("hidden");
  function showSidebar() {
    var ln = $('.structure > .nav-holder > .left-nav');
    ln.addClass("shown").removeClass("hidden").css({left: "-100%"}).css({left: -ln.outerWidth()}).animate({left: 0}, function() {
  $('.sidebar-toggle, .nav-shield').off('click').on('click', function() {
    var ln = $('.structure > .nav-holder > .left-nav');
    if (":visible") || $('.nav-shield').is(".shown")) {
    } else if(!":empty")) {
  $('.left-nav').off('click').on('click', 'a, button', function() {
    if ($('.nav-shield').is(":visible")) {

Here is the Pico code for

import anvil.pico
import uasyncio as a
from machine import Pin

# This is an example Anvil Uplink script for the Pico W.
# See for more information


# We use the LED to indicate server calls and responses.
led = Pin("LED", Pin.OUT, value=1)

# Call this function from your Anvil app:
#'pico_fn', 42)
def button_1_click(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the button is clicked"""
    pass'pico_fn', 18)

async def pico_fn(n):
    # Output will go to the Pico W serial port
    print(f"Called local function with argument: {n}")

    # Blink the LED and then double the argument and return it.
    for i in range(10):
        await a.sleep_ms(50)
    return n * 2

# Connect the Anvil Uplink. In MicroPython, this call will block forever.


# There's lots more you can do with Anvil on your Pico W.
# See for more information