Cannot build sentence-transformer package on my app

I tried to build the sentence-transformer package on my app. The version I tried to get is 2.2.2.
I got the error “Error: Failed to build image (timeout after 120000 ms)”.
This error seems to suggest the package takes too long to build. Is there a way to remove such time restriction? Appreciate the help on this.

This topic has come up before, recently, so I’d start with a Forum-wide Search on “failed to build”.

Thanks. I did see a couple of posts. I tried starting with a machine learning base image. I still have the same issue. What other things can I try?

Having the same issue and my timeout is 240s. That package is huge. I’m not sure it is doable with the current timeouts the way they are.

From what I learnt it is not possible. I ended up having to use uplink.