Can Anvil do multi-tenant out of the box?

I want to build an app – think like the Todo sample app, just with more features – but I would like it to be multi-tenant, with each tenant able to log in on their own domain.

I suspect I might be able to hack something together like this, but ideally, i’d like it out of the box, so i could just write code that will actually make me money.

The nearest comparison I can think of is Spark (from the Laravel folks). It’s basically amazing – at least if its advertised features are actually implemented as they say – but I like PHP even less than Python.

I would like each tenant to be able to log into their instance of my app on their own domain name. Again, I would like that to be…super-easy for me to set up, as out-of-the-box as possible. (I just realized that ‘out of the box’ has two diff meanings. weird.)

Thank you much for any answers/tips/ideas.

You could create an app that does exactly what you want for a single “tenant”. Then you copy the app - one copy for each “tenant” and afterwards press publish and setup the specific domain name within each app.

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What @neriksen85 suggests is what I currently do, and the ability to use the domain has been added to the feature requests here :