Very nice. What’s the aws workflow doing? Is that stuff that couldn’t be done in anvil or is it somehow just better for you?
I wouldn’t use the aws step functions again. I shouldn’t have mentioned it - it was the GraphViz flowchart I wanted to show.
I chose the aws step functions in a phase where I felt guilty for building things from scratch when all blogs told me to use “best practices” solutions that already exist. I’ve since learnt that those best practices (not including basic cloud services like queues, etc, which are awesome) are complex, expensive and need maintenence while my from scratch solutions usually are stupid simple and run forever for free.
The most useful thing from it was the Amazon State Language that allowed me to define a workflow as a json.
We’ve built an easy to use ERP system for a non-standard manufacturer.
Not very flashy, but it works.
I’ve built my complete B2C app Anki Buddy in anvil, which helps medical students create flashcards automatically from their study materials using AI. It’s been a blast!
Speaking to Stefano on the user call just now, I learned that the “panels” he’s talking about are not the UI type but rather physical panels, these cool building facades:
Oh, yeah, that’s another huge really cool app created by my ex colleague JR.
The app seems to be still online (I didn’t know it, thanks Tim), but unfortunately the app never went to production, and there may be some services used by the app that today are down, like some uplink scripts, dependency Anvil apps, Autodesk Fusion cloud services, etc.
So the app may not be able to create the cool building 3D rendering using the correct material textures, perform cut nesting optimization, generate quotes, reports, etc.
It used to work while JR was testing it with the first potential clients, but it was abandoned because the project was too ambitious and the market it targeted was too little.