Bug with row templates and embedded forms

I ran into an odd bug with row templates and an embedded form. The situation is this:

  1. I have a form that has a data grid on it (Form2)
  2. I have another form that has a data grid on it (Form3)
  3. If I embed Form3 into Form2, and Form3 appears above Form2’s data grid, the error happens

What happens is I click into the row template for Form2, and it highlights the row template for the embedded Form3 in the designer. But interaction (e.g. to drag a control onto the row template) is still with the Form2 template (lower down on the page and not highlighted).

So it looks like it’s a harmless but confusing cosmetic issue in the designer.

Here’s a clone that shows the issue: https://anvil.works/build#clone:FGCDOAVTULHERXZK=G7XF4EZQ3X4IH5H3WSTC6ZNE

To reproduce, just open that up and click on RowTemplate1. What should happen is that the highlight is down under the Form2 Column header.

When Form3 is embedded beneath the Form2 data grid, all works as it should.

Thanks very much for this report! I can see why this might happen, and I’ll add it to our list. We’ll post here when it’s sorted.

In the meantime, please can you confirm that this isn’t actually preventing you from editing certain forms, it’s just inconvenient?


[Moved to bug reports]

Correct. How to edit the original form is not obvious, but you can still edit it by dragging controls onto the non-highlighted row template.

Okay, thanks very much!