What I’m trying to do:
Specify both the alias and the actual sender email address.
While the actual sender email address is used, there seems to be no way to control the alias. The resulting from address on the received email is "[App Name] Accounts@[specified From Address]. For example, “My App Accounts<noreply@gmail.com>” where “My App” is the name of my anvil app and noreply@gmail.com is the address specified in the Users configuration section. Obviously I don’t own noreply@gmail.com, this is an example.
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
If an email address is specified then the resulting From address is “My App Accounts<noreply@gmail.com>”
If an entry like “No Reply<noreply@gmail.com>” is specified, the result is the same: “My App Accounts<noreply@gmail.com>”.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to specify the From Address alias? Or at least to not produce a “My App Accounts” alias ( just noreply@gmail.com no alias)?
Code Sample:
results in a From Address of “My App Accounts<noreply@gmail.com>”