Bringing ipywidgets and their outputs from a JNB to an Anvil app

Hi everyone,

Currently I have made a [quick] dashboard for a company using ipywidgets. Recently, I’ve found Anvil as an interesting and useful tool to bring that dashboard to an Anvil app. Could you guys let me know if it is possible to bring them [ipywidgets] directly to an Anvil app or even embed the Jupyter notebook?

Thank you in advance!


A couple things come to mind depending on your specifics.

  • you could use Anvil completely, and use their native widgets for your dashboard instead of ipywidgets

  • you could use Google Colab with ipywidgets since that is now supported.

  • you could use uplink to connect your computer (or any computer) to an Anvil app. This allows 2-way communication between the computer and your app (allowing you to call functions in your app, access data, pass values back and forth, etc).

  • you could embed an anvil app inside a Jupyter notebook (again, it depends on how you want to use Anvil).

I would suggest searching for the Jupyter notebook tutorial on Anvil’s site as well as the uplink documentation.