Blog Post - Why we use Anvil

A blog post on why we (@james.campbell , @thomas.campbell1 and I) use Anvil:


That is a wonderful overview of why you use Anvil.

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Thank you! Glad you like it.

Chrome is telling me it’s not https… is that correct?

odd. Chrome is happy with it for me

(but it’s a new site, so anything is possible).

I get that from Chrome in an old Android tablet that stopped receiving updates years ago. According to that copy of Chrome, Wikipedia isn’t secure!

My best guess: Those updates surely include up-to-date root certificates. Without those, the site’s credentials can appear to be unsupported, disabling using of https.

So, if you can, I’d suggest updating your browser’s root certificates.

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Very succinct explanation.

I sometimes describe Anvil as a “low code app builder” to laypeople, the “best python framework” to Pythonistas, a “mature framework with a company behind it and hosting built in” to clients.


excellent explanation. I always tell people about the powerful full stack autocomplete and how the difficult infrastructure related decisions are made for me by 1000x devs that work on anvil itself.


Awesome explanation and beautifully simple site!

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Thank you all! (and thank you again just to make this post long enough).

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The photo in the preview is actually of us working on a project at a hackathon (EthDam) where we used Anvil, so there’s a good chance I’m pointing to some code in the IDE when the photographer caught us.

It seemed appropriate!