[BETA-Designer] - Can't read the text for the components

See the image - the text is so faint I have to highlight it to read it…


That’s…weird! It looks like this for me:


What browser/OS are you using? What’s your theme setting (Dark, Light or System)? Does Ctrl+Shift+Refresh fix it?

(sorry was eating dinner!)

Chrome on Ubuntu 22.04 - Version 117.0.5938.92 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)

ctrl-F5 didn’t fix it. Theme is Dark. Works ok on System & Light.

edit - tried on FF and it’s fine. Must be a Chrome thing…

My guess: you have a Stylus theme active on Chrome but not on Firefox, dating back to this thread:

I really, really wish I had something that roughly resembled a memory.

Thank you for reminding me … I’ve not checked yet, but I reckon that is it.

edit - ah, except I did that on Firefox and not Chrome, so the issue remains a puzzle…

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