Best way to create multi-select list of values

Curious what the AnvilSphere suggests as best way to create a multi-select list of values. The snap below shows a UI component where a long list of values scrolls (like a flow-panel might), but each value is interactive in that they highlight when hovered, and then stay ‘lit’ if clicked. I suspect a flow-panel with links would do this. Need this to be a multi-select capable too.

I’d probably use a Data Grid, Repeating Panel, and my Data Row panel would probably have a leading checkbox, just to be clear and explicit.

Yeah, If I wanted the exact same functionality as OP asked for I would do all of the above, then in the RowTemplate I would make the text a link, and use the links ‘click’ event handler ( click() ) to change the background color of the link to whatever ‘clicked’ color means, when clicked.

The event could also, you know, do whatever clicking it is supposed to do also I guess. :face_with_monocle:

Now you got me thinking how you would do the hover mechanic, and I figured some role and css stuff would probably do it, making the hover mechanic set the link background color to whatever color it would stay when clicked.
My hunch was that @stucork probably already figured this out, so I searched the forum literally one second and discovered my hunch was not unfounded:

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