Automatic input validation using Python decorators!

TLDR; I made Python decorators that enforce some default input validation for TextBox and TextArea form elements.

Client side form validation is a pain the the butt, but… we need to do it in order to make sure our databases don’t get corrupt data, or that we aren’t calling back-end server functions with missing / corrupted data… So instead of manually writing the code to do validation, why not write code to write that code for us? :slight_smile:

This is where Python decorators come in. Essentially, we can decorate some sort of submit_button_click method with a decorator. This decorator is smart enough to pull off types of TextBox OR TextArea instances variables, and only execute the body of the submit_button_click code when it knows all of the input elements have valid input :slight_smile:

I understand that this current method isn’t very robust to change, and is limited, so I’ll be updating it in the future. The linked app is just a proof of concept, not a finished product.

In the future I’d like some way to link a Form element with a lambda expression passed in via the decorator to make this more general.

Here’s the sample project in case anyone is interested in helping me make this more robust / make the existing code less of a dumpster fire.