[App Server] Anvil server on Balena OS


I’m trying to host my anvil-server on a Raspberry Pi with Balena OS. Local access is no problem, but when enabling an https origin I run into problems:

command anvil-traefik error: error while building entryPoint https: error preparing server: error opening listener: listen tcp bind: permission denied

Any solution to this?

you need to enable firewall, there is a detailed post about it, just search in this forum

Do you mean port forwarding in my router? If so I have done this already. Seems like the issue is with OpenVPN in Balena and Anvil both trying to bind port 443. Was hoping there was some solution to route Anvil-Traefik to 8443 or similar solution. However I have not had any success rerouting port in and out of the Docker container hosting Anvil…

I don’t know about Docker containers, but the Anvil server has a configuration option for changing the port: GitHub - anvil-works/anvil-runtime: The runtime engine for hosting Anvil web apps

Hi @heimburg,

One way you might see this error is if you haven’t enabled user access to port 443. There are commands to enable this in the HTTPS section of the Getting Started Guide. If you haven’t tried that already, try that first!