Anvil Extras v1.6.0

We’ve just released Anvil Extras v.1.6.0 This is a big one with lots of changes:

New Features

  • Quill - dynamically add custom modules
  • routing - adjusts the behaviour of anvil.alert to ensure dismissible alerts are closed on navigation. And navigation prevented for non-dismissible alerts.
  • storage.indexed_db - Now supports the browser’s IndexedDB with a dictionary like api
  • storage - additional store objects can be created inside the browsers localStorage or IndexedDB. e.g. todo_store = indexed_db.create_store('todos')
    Each store object behaves like a dictionary object.
  • PageBreak - border property added and documentation updated.

Bug Fixes

  • Autocomplete - can now be used inside an alert
  • Popover - fix stickyhover
  • storage - update and clear were missing from the documented api
  • PageBreak - fix margin_top property and make it optional
  • PageBreak and Multi-select - fix illegal HTML
  • Popover - remove the requirement for delays in show/hide/destroy transitions


  • storage.session_storage was deprecated. Use local_storage instead


  • Slider Component - bump javascript dependency and refactor. No changes to the component’s public API.
  • Autocomplete - duplicate suggestions are ignored and a warning is printed
  • Popover - documentation added and clone link updated. The example now imports anvil_extras