Anvil Developer, Coach and Support

We are looking for an experienced Anvil & Python developer to help coach and support in building a prototype. If the prototype is successful, then it will become an interesting long term project using generative language models with Hugging Face transformers.

It is a part-time role than may become a long term project for an enthusiastic self-motivated developer.

We are in Brisbane Australia, but you can be located anywhere and work remotely.

There is a mixture of work:

  1. Standard business database application
    a. Relational Database
    b. Parent / Child structure
    c. CRUD
    d. UI design
  2. ML models
    a. For example, using:
    i. Hugging Face Transformers
    ii. RoBERTa generative language models
  3. Data Science
    a. Able to use Python libraries to present data in graph

As there is a wide range of skills required, we may need to engage more than 1 person. You need to have strong experience in Anvil and know how to use Anvil well.

Please Outline:
• Anvil.Work Experience
• Other HTML / CSS / JS experience
• Python / Full-Stack Experience

Include sample / portfolio work if possible.

Please also include any profiles
• GitHub… or other
• Upwork … or other
• LinkedIn… or other

How to apply:
You can DM me (Chris) here with your information.

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The position is now filled.
