AI completion sources in IDE

Could we have the option to add AI completion sources to the IDE autocompleter?

e.g. I pay for a Copilot subscription and I have that available in my local editor. I’d very much like to do the same within the Anvil IDE.

As I’ve written previously, I often use neovim as my editor within the IDE. I’m doing that less often as features get added so I’m making a few feature requests for the things I miss. This is one of those, along with:


Maybe something like Codeium can be added? It is free for everyone to use. It even has a browser extension which works well for various online sites like Codepen, DeepNote, Google Colab, jsfiddle etc. Unfortunately it does not have support for codemirror.

Although someone was able to do it unofficially GitHub - val-town/codemirror-codeium: Codeium code completion integration for CodeMirror 6


I dropped copilot for Cline in VSCode. It is amazing. I am even able to point it to a deployed test app and it’ll test the changes (I have to push the code first).

The AI copilots are probably a little too volatile for Anvil to pick one to integrate- I’d rather have an open source plugin system

I second this but the landscape here is shifting a lot