Activate Runtime Error. anvil.server.RuntimeUnavailableError: Downlink disconnected. Help, this is affecting all my apps


I am running a background task and I get the following popup:
The undefined server runtime is not yet activated on your account. Click Activate below to activate it. Activating this runtime enviroment may take up to 24 hours.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-18 a la(s) 14.33.22

What does it mean? The prpgram usually runs well.

When try to execute the backgound task I also see this error “anvil.server.ExecutionTerminatedError: Server code execution process was killed. It may have run out of memory: f4b2dc19ba”

I think I have seen this when I was trying to run code in an app that depended on another app that was set up with a Python 2 Runtime when I only had Python 3 set up.

Have you changed your python versions or added code that depends on a different python version?