Access to Anvil apps from restricted enviroments

Good day everybody !!!

I have a question that it might be trivial but I couldn’t find a solid answer.

If I have a restricted enviroment that all destination ip’s have to be declared on the firewall and I want to have access to an Anvil app from that enviroment, declaring as permitted destination the ip (the ip that the A record on my domain points) is enough ? Or some other actions are needed?

Thanks in advance for any info

Hi There,
Just a follow up on this baby, I am facing the exact same situation.
Did you manage to find a resolution to this?

Hi Gareth,

No I had no replies on that and since it was a question mostly on future needs I had done no testing. I thought that I saw somewhere on the pricing and features info that on one type of licensing there was something refered for static ip but I really can’t find it now.

Hi folks,

Depending on which theme you’re using, your app may load external resources, such as from and This does depend on the theme, though, so I would recommend loading your app and watching the network connections through your browser dev tools to identify anything that doesn’t work.

As far as Anvil itself is concerned, whitelisting the domain of your app should be sufficient.

Thanks @daviesian for the reply.
Well in the case where the used hardware will not accept URLS for whitelisting but only ip’s the ip we use for the DNS ( will be sufficient ???

If it will only accept IPs, then yes, you’ll need to give it IPs! Of course, those are very likely to change for external services, but that’s the correct IP to use for Anvil right now.

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Thanks guys, I can’t believe I missed these replies, got my head in the clouds.
Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it.