A lot of small Outages/Restarts over the last days

Hi folks,

With the assistance of those traces and session IDs, we have tracked down the issue that’s causing this, and we’re working on a fix as we speak! Thanks for the assistance.

(Turns out this is something of a coincidence, and is entirely unrelated to the issue that started this thread!)

This issue is touched off by sending particularly large payloads – @clinical, it appears your app in particular is fetching an enormous amount of data from a data table! You might want to cut it down with q.fetch_only() to get better performance.

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I am happy to report that the most common errors are no longer visible :partying_face:; although there is one new issue that appears on occasion:

anvil.server.RuntimeUnavailableError: Downlink disconnected

By the way, thanks you @meredydd for the search query tip.

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