Update Custom Component Properties in Designer

I have seen lots of custom components that easily show changes live in the designer but so far I haven’t been able to figure out how to achieve the same. The Docs on this are not quite clear.

I have prepared a clone link in which I am trying to make the text property of a label component update live. Here’s the clone link. Can somebody please check it out and tell me what I’m doing wrong?


It’s not simple, I’m afraid…

We have a README on Anvil Extras that explains the process and may help in some way. Be warned, however - that depends on other utilities that we’ve built elsewhere in the library to help with this.


Thanks for the information. I will see if I can manage something like that.

This was one of my first feature requests: Custom component in design mode

@owen.campbell’s trick is awesome, but it is not “Full stack web apps with nothing but Python”.

I think this should be working out of the box.


I can’t take the credit for this stuff. This is all courtesy of the effort @stucork puts in.