The Future of Anvil Community Packages

Very interesting thoughts on the matter!

Yes flutter favorites are curated, however in general anyone can publish packages to and only some are selected.
Curated “favorites” would be optional and could be done by anvil if they wish. See this Guide for more info: Publishing packages | Dart

Generally speaking the likes and usage of the community would “curate” the library. Mechanisms like sponsoring or payed packages could then ensure further development.

A bake off does not sound to crazy to me. Actually I think I’ll try to stich something together this weekend.

@hugetim – yes that is true.

I agree that at the heart of this some questions must be clarified:

  • Depend on a certain Version of an Anvil app → already in the pipeline as far as I know
  • Where are the packages hosted and how is it ensured that they can’t be broken/deleted by the author?
  • How can the community work together → “share with the community” @stefano.menci
  • @anvil.central what are your thoght on the matter?
