Switch Method for UI Elements

When I have a list of options similar to this, whether they are 2 or more options, I put them inside a repeating panel. Then, when it’s time to switch or reorder them, I reorder and reassign to items.

Whether you use a repeating panel or not, it’s usually easier to rebuild from scratch based on a list of items rather than managing UI components one by one.

In theory it may be slower when the components you want to switch are really large, but I have never had that problem.

I’m not sure I understand your use case. From the little I understand, you have one input element at the top of the page, and, based on the value of that input element, you want to change the visibility or the items of other input elements that are below that one. I don’t see how switching would help.

Changing the position of input elements is often a bad user experience. But again, I may not understand your use case.