Static Website Templete: issue with images

This is in the CSS file, right?
Found this in the CSS file…

.anvil-role-home-header {
background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, %color:Primary 500% 0%, #5396BC00 150%), url(_/theme/home-img.jpg);
background-size: cover;
background-attachment: fixed;
min-height: 40em;

So, to change the home-img photo to… something else, I load the new image as an asset, then replace with new image name in the above code…? Or, I can delete

I made a clone of the template… will try the first way as well… as I break it (probably), I can post with more questions.

Thank you for the quick advice. Not understanding the underlying CSS (or non basic HTML) can be an issue, if not for people like you answering basic questions.