Showing multiple specific users the same kind of data

I think I’m getting closer - :crying_cat_face: my brain hurts lol - so this here is how i’m figuring things out , this may even help someone that would be cool :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

    print(f"Hello user let's see what role you have if any : {user['role']}")
    current_user_role = {user['role']} # assigning the user's role to the current_user_role variable
    print(f"lets print the variable current_user_role : {current_user_role}")
    print(f"lets print what type of variable current_user_role is  : {type(current_user_role)}")
    admin_role = "admin" in current_user_role # this returned True
    self.adminPage_link.visible = admin_role

admin signing in

non-admin singing in

I have a feeling your educating me to define a server function and make it callable from the client
something like:

def check_role(user): # <-wonder if I have to pass in user I think I do
    current_user_role = {user['role']}
    admin_role = "admin" in current_user_role
    self.adminPage_link.visible = admin_role

and place in the login function

def login_link_click(self, **event_args):"check_role, user")

please tell me if I’m right if not please show the light :flashlight: