[SERVICE DISRUPTION BUG] Internal database error: nextval: reached maximum value...(2147483647)

Ok, I’m getting the error whenever I try and update an existing record.

from anvil.tables import app_tables
row = app_tables.test_table.get(text_col='new_unique_value')
row['bool_col'] = not row['bool_col']

anvil.tables.TableError: Internal database error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "-" Position: 43
<running on the server>
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/tables/v2/_row.py:772
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/tables/v2/_row.py:717
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/tables/v2/_row.py:527
called from <input>:3
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil_downlink_worker/__init__.py:250
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil_downlink_worker/__init__.py:284
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/_threaded_server.py:169

When I try and update a row from the GUI I get the popup error:

Save failed
Could not save row: Unknown error

Other Observations:

  • Can delete row from console.
  • Can’t delete row from GUI
  • Can update a row that was created before the original error in the GUI
  • Can’t update a row that was created after the original error was resolved
  • Can add new columns to existing tables
  • New column update behavior is the same
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We are seeing similar behavior

I have one applications working well but another app that have more data still presents:

anvil.tables.TableError: Internal database error: ERROR: value “2147549420” is out of range for type integer

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Currently experiencing anvil.tables.TableError: Internal database error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "-" error on writes to simple object columns.

Hi everyone,

I believe the errors reported above should now be resolved, as of a few moments ago. Please continue to post any further issues you are seeing.


Thank you for getting everything sorted!

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Thank you Anvil team for getting this solved! All our apps seem to be functioning smoothly now.

I am still experiencing and issue with the error “Internal database error: ERROR: value “2152323266” is out of range for type integer”.

It’s possible that it isn’t allowing new row columns to be added.


Hi @c14100v,

Do you have more information on how/when this occurred? A traceback of that error would probably do the trick. A date/time would be helpful too!

Hi @c14100v,

Thanks for letting us know about this - that issue should also now be resolved. Please let us know if you see the error again!

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Thank you it appears to be resolved. Thanks Anvil team!