Serialising dictionary with numeric keys

Hi everyone - quick addition on getting your dictionary into the Client code when your keys are integers.

I had a list of dict called ‘list_dict_var’

It looked something like:
[{0: ‘Aaron’, 1: ‘Johnson’, 2: ‘’}, {0: ‘A’, 1: ‘Blackhawk’, 2: ‘’}]

The keys are integers and the values are strings. When I use:

jsonString = json.dumps(list_dict_var)

I get this output which can be sent back to the Client code:

[{“0”: “Aaron”, “1”: “Johnson”, “2”: “”}, {“0”: “A.J”, “1”: “Johnson”, “2”: “”}]

I wanted to get back to single quotes in my list so I could display the data in a Data Grid. To do this, I used

paylaod = json.loads(jsonString)

This returns:

[{‘0’: ‘Aaron’, ‘1’: 'Johnson, ‘2’: ‘’}, {‘0’: ‘A.J’, ‘1’: ‘Johnson’, ‘2’: ‘’}]

As you can see, the integers are now strings.

In summary use
a = json.dumps(variable_for_your_list_of_dict)
b = json.loads(a)
b is your list of dictionaries where the keys are now strings.

Hope that helps!

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