Provide explicit ways to prevent concurrency

I agree it would be a bad idea, let’s keep Anvil simple.

In a feature request I will leave it to the power that be to decide whether it’s practical or feasible. My speculation about what’s going on under the hood might be wrong and they might find a little trick that does the job.

Here is where I ask what I want, they will decide if it’s technically possible, worth spending time on it, part of their long term plans, and maybe, perhaps, implement it.

I have been bitten by events unexpectedly sneaking through the cracks, and I had to find workarounds.
If this feature request had been already addressed, I would have fewer scars.

I think that a context manager would be an elegant solution, but wouldn’t cover all the cases.

I think that a white list would be a less elegant solution, but would cover more cases (it would survive across two tick events for example).

I don’t know if either is practical for Anvil to implement, I know they would be definitely practical for me to use :slight_smile: