Make it difficult (or impossible) to mess up the master branch

You mean you like the fact that after merging from dev to prod and ending up with prod checked out, it’s easy to mess up a production app, put it offline or even corrupt its database?

Perhaps the GitHub integration could do the job, but that’s a thing for a very small elite of Anvil users. The majority, including me, will never touch GitHub, and asking us to setup all our apps to sync with GitHub only as a workaround to bad UI design, is not acceptable. Especially considering that this wasn’t happening with the old editor, where the published branch was read-only, and you could only publish with an explicit action.

Right clicking on a branch and clicking on Make "prod" branch read-only would be much simpler and useful for every user, from beginners to experts.

@danbolinson, I realize now that by “this” you meant my last post, not the whole topic.
The clarification about GitHub stays, but I do understand your position, no need to answer my first question :blush: