Looking for some help with progress bar code

I am trying to insert a progress bar into my app but as I am new to both python and anvil am completely stuck,Again!
would love it if someone could give me some guidence as I don’t know where to begin.

I have got the third party components thanks to Owen Campbell.

Would be easier if you can explain something more about how exactly you want to use the progress bar.

What are you trying to achieve with the progress bar

I have a data table of questions that I will display in a label one at a time.
lets say there are 100 questions I would like the progress bar to track the question progress.

Have a look at Anvil Extras Demo and you’ll find some code which might be useful

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Thank you I’ll take a look

You can set the default progress of progress bar to 0.01 then update it accordingly.

Like this:


The maximum value for it can be 1