Just to add a few responses on things that I’m not sure others have addressed directly:
- I’ve been working on a hobby app since late 2018 and have not had any trouble with Anvil updates. They even still support Python 2. (I occasionally see others report temporary bugs affecting old apps, but they are addressed promptly when reported.) The closest thing to an issue I’ve had is that when new features are released or new third-party components appear, it can be a tough decision whether to overhaul parts of my code to use them going forward.
- Others have mentioned the new support for multiple branches and staging environments in the Beta IDE. Whether or not you use that (it’s nice but it’s still in beta), know that you can also go back and forth between a local git repository and the Anvil IDE fairly easily. In short, you can combine the full power of git version control with the benefits of the online Anvil editor. There are some finer points to making it work smoothly that you can read about elsewhere (in the docs, with more on the forum), but the basic idea is that you would “Clone” your production app within the Anvil IDE and then force-push code from the base git repository to that new Anvil-hosted app. That gives you a way to work in the Anvil IDE in a way that is isolated from your base production app, while retaining the ability to git merge in updates from the production code base.