How to remove the blinking blue dotted circle?

Hi there!

Yes, you can do this :slight_smile:

Normally, Anvil shows the spinner whenever you’re talking to the server (eg doing an or searching a data table). But if you call a server function with anvil.server.call_s(), the spinner won’t show (the S is for “silent”).

Worked example:

Let’s imagine we have a label on our form, and we’re updating it every second with the number of rows in the table. So we’re doing something like this:

  def update_timer_tick (self, **event_args):
    # This method is called every second
    n_rows = len(
    self.label_1.text = "There are %d rows" % n_rows

Then we will see the blue spinner every second as we search app_tables.my_table. We don’t want this, so instead we write a server function that extracts our data for us, and we call it with anvil.server.call_s():

# Put this code in a new Server Module:
def get_n_rows():
  return len(

And now we change the code in our Form to this:

  def update_timer_tick (self, **event_args):
    # This method is called every second
    n_rows = anvil.server.call_s('get_n_rows')
    self.label_1.text = "There are %d rows" % n_rows

Now we won’t see the blue spinner.

Does this make sense?