How to make a link open in the current tab

I’m trying to make my link open in the current tab but I can’t figure out how. I just started working on Anvil so I’m still working on the basics. Please answer ASAP.

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Is the link for an external webpage or still within your anvil app?

could you give a little more - a code snippet perhaps? What you’ve tried and what doesn’t work.

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it’s not on the anvil website

Hi, do you mean the link opens an external url like Or a link opens an url of your anvil app

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My link is sent to So isn’t that a redirect? If so how do you do them?

So how do i do them?

a bit late but you can do something like:

in Native Libraries:

function open_url_same_tab(url) {, "_self");

link click event = some_url # set this in the design view

def link_click(self, **event_args):

proof of concept

EDIT: since this post anvil has improved its js integration:

from anvil.js import window

def link_click(self, **event_args):
  window.location = url
  # or, "_self")

If you want to open it in a new tab you could use instead


Thank you for the script it works!

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I think the answer here is a better one

anvil.js.window.location = url

Good spot @sysadmin and welcome to the forum - I’ve edited the post above so that others looking in the forum can see the better answer.

In September 2020 - the anvil.js module didn’t exist :wink:


If I replace the internal link “…” of this app with '" it will produce an error

Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.

Is there an alternative nowadays (in the year 2022)?

This code is working for me:

window.location = url #for same window, ‘_blank’) #for different tab

I know this is primarily about opening in the same tab, but:

The ‘different tab’ option was working on Desktop (Safari) but didn’t work on my iPhone (also Safari). If you want to open things in a different tab on mobile, probably best to stick with Links components.