How to adjust the width and height of a repeating panels

You don’t need to play with roles.
The non intuitive part is that you need to select a component to change its container’s behavior.
You need to select the repeating panel and check the full_width_row to tell its container to show it full width.
Then you need to do the same with one of the labels inside the template form.

  1. Go to the form NetSearch
  2. Select the repeating panel NetSearchPanel_1
  3. Check full_width_row in the CONTAINER PROPERTIES section
  4. Double click on the repeating panel to edit ItemTemplate4
  5. Select any of the labels
  6. Check full_width_row in the CONTAINER PROPERTIES section

PS: I assume your question was about “how to make a repeating panel full width”.
If this is the case, can you please edit the title, so it will help others?
If this is not the case, then can you please explain what you mean?

PPS: In case you didn’t know, clone links include all your tables and their content

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