How do you fill the items of a DropDown from a data table?

Thanks. I’ll consider that closer to prod version.

How do I set the dropdown value to blank as a default first value?

In the init section I have this:

self.dropdown_year.items = set([str(row['Year']) for row in])

How do I get set the dropdown to be blank first, so that when the user sets it to 1st value , it triggers the
self.dropdown_year_1_change event?

Currently the first value is returned, and the website does not seem to be know something was selected until i changed the value to next item then back to the first value in a selection.

a) In this section you guys indicate you need to set self.drop_down_1.selected_value=“foo”

The dropdown with above code does not start at null, but rather at the first item returned.

b) but below causes error saying "

 self.dropdown_year.items = set([str(row['Year']) for row in])
 self.dropdown_year.selected_value="Please Select Value" 

Could you provide an answer on this, or pointer to docs?
