Getting Hyperlink of image or uploading to Imgur?

If you’re working with data tables, you can store a datetime in the database. Then, each time you (eg) upload a new image, you can query all the images in the database (ordered by time, eg tables.order_by('upload_date')), and delete anything that’s too old.

Alternatively, if you do want to use the Imgur API, email to get the imgurpython module installed in your server modules. You can then pass a Media object to a server function (from a FileLoader component), dump the file out to a temporary file using get_bytes(), then feed it into the API. Something like this, perhaps:

In a form:

  # ...on the client
  def button_1_click(self, **event_args):"upload_img", self.file_loader_1.file)

In a server module:

def upload_img(img):
  filename = '/tmp/upload_%s' % random.SystemRandom().random()
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    # Do your imgur upload here.

Hope that helps!

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